July 19, 2010

Sometimes life hands us the most amazing information to further our constant journey. Whether is comes from the people in our lives or the things that surround us, if you look you will find just the right key at just the right time. I often times wonder why things happen the way they do. Then just when I think that I will never understand, I get one of those AH HA! moments. Recently I've wondered how our life has taken so many unexpected turns. But then I look around and realize that I am truly blessed with the life I do have. Without those unexpected turns I never would have gotten to where I am, met some of the most amazing people, or done some exceptional things.

This summer had been fast paced so far. Does summer not seem to go by quicker every year where the kids are concerned? When did they stop getting to be kids and experience summer like we used to? Where did the days of going outside in the morning and not coming home until the street lights came on go? Feeding the entire neighborhood popsicles all the while running through sprinklers yard to yard. We knew all our neighbors and there wasn't a kid within a 5 block radius you didn't know. Things have changed so much and while for much of it I understand, I still mourn for the way things used to be. We try to jam pack as many events, trips, and activites into such a short time now to try to create "memories" for our kids. Heck, they go back to school smack in the middle of summer. What ever happened to going back in September? It's too hot in August to concentrate on learning!

June 14th, 2010 would have been 9 months of unemployment. It would have been 2 1/2 years of having our house up in the air. The stress level around here was so thick you really could reach out and feel it. Life has been tense to say the least and we were really starting to worry about what would come next waiting for the next crisis to befall us. Luckily things are starting to turn. We have a new deal on our home, but even more so, we get to keep our home. Ryan started a new job. And though it has it's cons, it's a job and a good paying job at that. We are by no means, out of the woods, but at least we are finally on the right path to find our way out. Our moods, while still pensive of what lies ahead, are lighter and a little more free. We aren't nearly as tense and the whole house can feel it.

Ryan is also half way through his courses of school. He is excited that it's gone by so quickly and that helps to make his remaining journey not feel so daunting. He is also a little more excited by having a new direction to take his school due to his new job. In a way, it was the push he needed to make a decision and take that plunge. Everything for a reason and I reason for everything it seems. Hello life, here we come, heading back into the land of the working man and being greatful every step of the way.

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