April 21, 2010


Twin Rivers Unified School District in Rio Linda, CA is determined to tank our children's education even worse than it currently is. They want to keep pushing with a model that clearly is NOT working and slap a new name on it and call it different. NOT ACCEPTABLE. Let me explain a little here.

Our school district, like many, has lower enrollment leading to fewer student dollars and in return making drastic cuts to our teachers and programs. Last year we lost 3 dedicated and wonderful teachers due to cuts. This year we have 3 more on the chopping block. In addition, they are closing down one full elementary school campus and distributing the students to schools within the area but mainly to our campus. They are also revamping the current junior high school and changing it into a middle school that will become an extension of our current campus. Meaning instead of an elementary and junior high school we will now be a K-8th model, split onto two campuses. Our K-4th grades will continue on our current campus while 5th-8th grades will share the other campus. As a K-8th model, our teachers are required to carry mutli-subject credentials which is what elementary teachers already carry. As a junior high model the teachers only have to be single subject. So as we have been going along and gathering information from community meetings, administrators, and teachers themselves we come to understand that our teachers will be allowed to continue teaching and that the single subject teachers will have to be moved and replaced to other positions. Just last night we attended a meeting that verified that same information. Our 5th and 6th grade teachers have not only volunteered to head to the new campus but are excited at the opportunity to do so. They want to continue on with the strong base of learning and respect they now instill in our students and see them flourish in a whole new setting. They want to help grow this new school concept and see it succeed. So how come, when we get to school today we are being told that the district is not accepting nor allowing our teachers to go to the new school? What changed between last night and this morning? More so, why would you say no to teachers who are not only qualified and not in fear of being on the pink slip chopping block but are eager, willing and excited to start this new journey? I have personally called everyone I can this morning in an attempt to get some answers. They say they want change but they are not allowing any change to proceed. Because let me tell you, just changing the name and the mascot wont make a lick of difference in the students education nor the parents perception of the school if you keep all the teachers who aren't making any kind of difference now. Granted there are a few excellent teachers currently at the junior high level but on the whole, not so much. I also find it really hard to believe that every single one of those junior high teachers have a multi-subject credential that would keep them there. In my small but loud opinion I truly think this district is just asking for a bigger failure. By not allowing teachers who WANT to be there and WANT to help and who our kids are comfortable with is a HUGE mistake. It may not be such a big jump for a 6th grader who would normally be entering junior high or middle school but what about a now 4th grader who will be thrust into not only a new school but a whole new environment? Why do they want to make it even more of a challenge? Does this district not see how it's shooting itself in the foot? As a parent with only two years now left at the current school, there is NO WAY I would allow my child to attend this new school with the current lack of regard to what is best for our children. If anything like this is happening with your schools I encourage you to speak up. Without our voices change will never happen. If your child is a student at our school or even within our district I encourage you to call.

Superintendent: Frank Porter 566-1600 x 1334

Neighborhood Network Director: Rusty Clark 286-4500

Board Members: Michelle Rivas, Bob Bastian, Cortez Quinn, Alecia Eugene Chasten, Linda Fowler, Janis Green and Roger Westrup 566-1745 or 566-1600 x 1338


Trinette said...

I love your passion for quality education, but I have to clear up a couple things:
-State cuts of over $30 the last two years, not just declining enrollment are forcing staff cuts
-The new 5-8 school doesn't have any teachers yet, NEW principal Maria Sevilla will select a mix of multiple and single subject teachers
-they will mostly come from Rio Linda elementary multiple subject teachers (who are awesome!) as their school is closing and they get first chance at the jobs according to the teachers union and district agreement
-I work for Twin Rivers and we do care and we are trying to make things better despite the cuts. We heard from Rio Linda community members that the junior high wasn't working and we are changing it. It will be a NEW school, with wonderful people who understand the importance of school climate, parent engagement, and community involvement. The new principal is actually already making personal phone calls to families to introduce herself, and is meeting with students at every Rio Linda elementary. I hope you'll give her a chance.

alyssa said...

I know very well who you are within the district. And let me clarify a few more things since you feel the need to come and talk on MY blog. I have met the new principal and believe she wants to make change. However, I don't think that just because Rio Linda elementary is closing they should get first chance. I think the teachers who truly want to be a part of something new and desire to make a difference should get first chance. I know you heard from community members that the junior high was not working. I was one of those voices. I also know that when asked my opinion on a K-8th campus that I was all for it, as long as it was ONE school on ONE campus. NOT split into two campuses.

And not to split hairs, (but I'm going to, it's my blog)but I'm sure you didn't mean just $30 in state cuts. Because if that's the case I'll glady hand you $30 right now to save our 3 teachers. And while I'm not opposed completely to the middle school concept I think the district is going about it badly. I don't find the rationale in the fact that teacher's who apply for the middle school will lose their senority at their existing school if they are then not chosen. And beyond that, how do they even have a class to go back to if they are now part of the floater pool since they have moved their class to the new campus? Why are they not being allowed to follow it over in the first place? Is it fair to punish our teachers who work just as hard because their school isn't technically closing but you are still effectively eliminating their class?

I truly hope that this new concept has a fighting chance and will work. However I challenge each administrator who has a child of the appropriate age to be the first to stand up and put their child in the new school. Back up your stance with more than just fluffy words. Don't just involve the community and listen. Be proactive and actually find a way to incorporate those ideas. I encourage you all to stand back and take money out of the equation. Imagine if our school budget had zero impact on your decisions and then ask yourselves....Is this the best way to accomplish our goals? And even though I may not be an expert in education or school finances, I am an expert when it comes to my children and what their needs are. And I don't feel that their very best interest is being addressed well.

And again, (because it's my blog and I can) I am sure that there are some "awesome" teachers at Rio Linda Elementary. However our teachers are just as "awesome" if not even more so. I've seen first hand what kind of compassion and care they genuinely have for these students and to dismiss them so lightly when they have the real desire and drive to make a huge difference would be an absolutely folly.

Unknown said...

Great post Alyssa! I'll be sure to follow the conversation. I hope this issue gets worked out somehow.

Take care!

Trinette said...

Sorry I've obviously offended you by posting here Alyssa, and this will be my last time. I was just hoping to help you feel better about the changes. I don't agree with everything the union and district agree to, but by law we have to live with what they negotiate at the table. There are wonderful teachers at both elementary schools, and I believe most of them have the desire and drive to make a difference -I've worked with both schools for years. Oh, and yes, I did mean more than $30- $36 million last year and another $39 million next year. I know the changes won't make everyone happy, but we are trying very hard. Take care and good luck, maybe I'll see you at next year's car show. I was there this year and you all did a great job.

alyssa said...

You know Trinette, this is a public forum even if it is my personal blog. Feel free to comment, I can choose to not publish. When people respond to my words it means I'm making my voice heard. With that being said, I find that it speaks volumes that you felt the need to even respond in the first place. It concerns me that as a district employee you felt that you had to respond. I'm not sure if I should be flattered or worried that there is even more at stake than I realize and we are being truly snowballed.

However, with all of that being said, and considering you are a district employee I encourage you as a public relations person to come to tonights meeting and see for yourself the concern the parents have. See the mistrust there is between our parents and the TR reps. We love our principal and teachers to a fault but when you back OUR staff into a corner and try to coerce them to choose sides that will affect our children's futures, you will find we bite and bite hard. I encourage you and everyone else involved to deal with jut straight facts. When we ask questions, give us honest and real answers not the run around. On the whole you will garner more respect by simply stating you "don't know" instead of wrapping your words in pretty paper that tells us squat.