Check it out! Since I was so involved in putting on the school variety show this year I started thinking about ways we could earn money specifically for the arts. After racking my brain I decided on a couple of things. First of all that Dry Creek needed to have it's own art club. So I started the Dry Creek Fine Arts Club. Second, that the fundraisers needed to be ongoing and not cost parents a lot of money out of pocket. One of the challenges we all face right now is limited spending money. I can't very well ask parents to bankroll a whole new club that in order to get started will require a bit of money. As parents we get hit up all year with fundraisers and as a family that is currently unemployed it's frustrating to not be able to help like I wish I could. Anyhow, I've started 3 dedicated fundraisers for our new club and I encourage everyone to check them out. All items can be dropped off at school or to me directly.
Cell Phone & Laptop Recycling Fundraiser
We are going to recycle all old laptops, netbooks, cell phones and ink jet cartridges. It's good for us and the enviornment.
Capri Sun Recycling with TerraCycle We all buy them why not turn them into products for school while we earn money!
S.H.A.R.E.S. Program Shop at any FoodMaxx, SaveMart, S-Mart, or Lucky Supermarkets and earn 3% back for our program with the swipe of your pre-registered card. Pick one up from me today!
All of our funds from these particular fundraisers will go to things needed for the Fine Arts Club. Things like the purchase of plays and musicals, expanded sound equipment, and art supplies like watercolors, pastels, chalks, pencils, papers, canvases and more. We are also looking for volunteers willing to donate their time and talent to our program. You don't have to be an expert just have a passion for the subject. Whether it's poetry, drawing, painting, dance, singing, or even fundraising experience. Let me know and I'll sign you up!
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