April 12, 2010

tax man cometh

Nothing like a big 'ol reminder that last year was less than ideal when you do your taxes. Is it not enough that we were/are unemployed and barely holding our finances together (if at all) than to have the big YOU OWE thrown at you? UGH! How can one year differ so badly? I mean when your unemployment doesn't even cover your basics how can you possibly have the taxes pulled out on it. Then to be told you owe state......sure, no problem. I'll just dip into that generous savings of mine I've been holding out on. Ha ha, ho ho, hee hee, uh yeah. Darn good thing we don't owe the feds this year or we would be crying big time. Luckily I can pay state with federal and come out alright. However, it sure would have been nice to have both sets go our way. You know when you have that feeling that the world is pushing down on you and you can't breath? Pretty sure it's the taxes talking to me. Either that or the cold/allergy thing I've been battling. Whose to say?

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