March 28, 2010

dodgeball showdown

Wow! Where has the time gone to? It seems like just yesterday I wrote about taking on the school variety show and now here it is completely finished. It was amazing and fun. I had tremendous support for everyone and the kids did so well. We even had a dodgeball showdown that included the principal and one of the teachers for our finale. It was beyond words and got a huge reaction for the audience. This week we start Spring Break and I'm ready! The only drawback is that we aren't in a position to really go anywhere or do anything big. We are still unemployed and growing more and more frustrated. There are so many jobs out there yet none of them pay enough to make it worth the while of getting the job. Since when did being on unemployment become the better deal financially compared to an actual job? It's ridiculous and I'm at a loss to completely understand it. I mean, here we are, looking for a job and can't obtain one because A) "We're sorry but you are over qualified for this job." or B) "We are happy to offer this job that is way below your skill level and we will only pay you a quarter of your most recent salary." REALLY? The problem with taking a mediocre, entry level job is that then we fall into the question of who gets the second job. By taking a substantial pay cut we can't afford to stay in our home without a second income so we fall into that trap of him working two jobs or I work a day job to pay for daycare so what's the point? I could work nights but with two of the boys still at home when do I sleep? I could do daycare but since we have no resolution on our mortgage at the moment there is always the possibility of having to up and move at any time. Not fun for us, let alone having to work it out with whomever I am caring for. Bleh.....when did life get so stinkin' complicated? Anyhow, for now I try not to worry. Tomorrow may be another story but I keep hoping that things will turn in our direction soon!

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