December 02, 2009

mortgage company of doom

Never in last 7+ years of owning this home have I ever had so many complications or issues with a mortgage company like I do now. We have been in a homeowners assistance program for over a year and one half now. Ever since Ryan was laid off back in May of '08 we've been trying to work with Chase to avoid any possibility of losing our home. We first called them back in June of '08 when we knew we were most likely not going to be able to make a full payment in August of that year as we were still unemployed. We were originally told that they would be unable to help us in any way until we were more than 90 days late. REALLY??? I'm coming to you as a responsible homeowner trying to find a solution before there is a major problem and you are unwilling to help me? That makes ZERO sense. So we did what we could to save what we could possibly save and ended up 3 months behind. Because did you know if you make a partial payment with Chase it doesn't count? Yeah, me either. After many phone calls back and forth over about 6 months they finally decided to put our account in with the Homeowners Assistance department. Well, gee, thanks ever so much. Oh, did you also know that once you are in assistance you aren't supposed to make a payment even if you have it because then they have to start the paperwork all over again? Truly, I can't make this stupid nonsense up. So now for more than a year and a half we've been going back and forth with Chase trying to get a resolution on our home. Will they help us or just decide to foreclose? It's a never ending back and forth of inept customer service. Never do we get one person assigned to just our case it's an entire call center in which no one really knows what's going on. FINALLY we get a modification offer thrown at us....make these 3 months of modified payments and then when that is completed successfully then we can send you paperwork to finalize a new modified home loan. Great, fantastic....except NOT. Being Chase and being completely incapable they not only have asked us for the same freakin' paperwork about 12 times they lost our October payment!!!! SERIOUSLY CAN I GET SOMEONE WITH HALF A BRAIN PLEASE!!! With the modification program we also have to pay by certified check. Anyone? Well a certified check is essentially a piece of paper from the bank that guarantees the money is there. We go to the bank, they pull the cash from our account and put it onto a check that is then considered certified. The company takes it to the bank and exchanges it for the cash. So we send October's payment like we should and they tell us they never received it. More phone calls back and forth from Chase to us and from us to our bank. Guess what? That's right, it was not only received it was redeemed by Chase. IDIOTS! But of course, like everything else we've encountered, it's OUR fault. So we have to go to the bank and have them print out copies of the cashed cashier's check and send it to Chase. Oh, but it can take up to 2+ weeks to have it researched and credited to our account. Did I mention I not only am getting gray eyebrows but I drink more????? Today I get a call from yet another representative that says it's her intentions to complete our loan offer before the end of the year. Hallelujah! Finally....oh, wait there's just some more paperwork to turn it. Fan-freakin'-tastic. Yeah, they want 2 more current pay stubs, bank statement, utility bill etc. All the things we've repeatedly turned in. But this time there is an additional kicker on our end. We are currently unemployed. Yup, Ryan was recently laid off again which means we only have unemployment pay stubs to turn in. I can only imagine what kind of new problems this is going to generate. I am just beyond thinking and feeling when it comes to Chase. I don't sleep well, I don't eat right and my life feels like it's constantly on edge from not knowing what wonderful and new problem is going to hit me each new day. I live in a constant state of worry and I've just become numb because if I allow myself to deal and feel all this emotion I might just fall completely apart and that would do no one any good.....

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