August 14, 2012


Along my volunteering roads I've learned that many times people only get involved for the wrong reasons.  Especially when it involves kids.  They sign up feeling guilty for working too much.  Or they sign up to become the "hero".  They want accolades, kudos, a pat on the back, or "Job well done!" spouted at them.  Now, I'm not saying I'm the perfect volunteer but for the dedicated few of us, we don't require lots of bells, whistles, parades, and bands.  A simple and sincere thank you does the trick every time.  Knowing that we were able to help out in a truly needed way is enough.  We do it because it touches lives and  makes a difference in a positive way that will hopefully be carried on as these kids get older.  We want them to take a sense of selflessness with them and then choose actions to create their own differences in lives. 

I know I may be rambling a bit but stay with me, I'm getting to what started this rant.  Over the last 2 school years I've had the pleasure to meet and work with one of the most giving and selfless people I have ever met.  A talented, dedicated, and beautiful spirit willing to jump in and get dirty.  She consistently strives higher than the bar was set and will not settle for mediocrity.   She is passionate, fun, silly, serious, smart, and one of the hardest working people I've ever met.  She has been a very integral part of some serious going-ons with me.  She works a job that most women wouldn't even consider, runs her own online radio station and hosts a show, is raising 3 fantastic children, is a huge advocate of the local music scene, and has one of the biggest hearts I've ever seen.  She jumps in willingly to any project I need help with at school and even when there is no clear vision she always finds a way to make it work perfectly and always exactly what I didn't know I was looking for.  In short (or long) she is AMAZING.

In the course of our current event planning her personal character was not only unknowingly attacked but it was dragged through the mud, stomped on, shot at, set on fire and then mangled some more.  I was taken off guard and completely floored.  Here we were doing something good not only for our students but for the entire community and BAM attacked.  It was ridiculous and absolutely unwarranted.  Lies and slander were spewed and believed and taken to obscene levels that only soap operas and Jerry Springer episodes could rival.  Like I said, ridiculous.  However, being the beautiful and wonderful person she is, she did show her character in her lack of response.  Was she mad, angry, livid?  You bet!  But what sets her apart from the rest of them is her sense of pride and grace, knowing that her actions would speak louder than any words written or spoken ever could. 

After a long and restless night and a meeting the next morning, the entire situation is shown to be how juvenile and self serving it really was.  Decisions were made and in the end my friends character DID speak for itself.  The staff and volunteers agree that a more dedicated volunteer couldn't be found.  I agree completely....thank you Kris for everything you have done and will do for us.   My mere words will never be enough to express my true and heartfelt gratitude.

1 comment:

Mel said...

I completely agree with your entire description of one of the most devoted, selfless, creative and hard working people I have ever had the blessing to call my best friend. Thank you for making her realize that a little more :)