June 26, 2012

Time for an update!

In case you haven't noticed I haven't been by in a while.  A long while.  A long, long, long while!  But hey, I've been busy.  Life with 3 full time school aged children is busy as it is.  Throw in my inability to say no to every new project and I'm running full tilt, everyday.  In fact, here we are in full fledge summer vacation and what am I doing?  Volunteering.  Putting together a 50th Anniversary Celebration for the school.  While at times I wonder why am I doing this, I know...because I enjoy it immensely.  Not being a full time working gal I crave the interaction with adults that volunteering allows me.  Plus at the end of the day, no matter how worn out and tired I may be, I feel like I was able to contribute in a positive way.  And that, in it's own right, may be more fullfilling and worthwhile than any job I could work.  Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being a full time working mom, and someday I  may be just that once again.  But for now, I don't have to be a working mom, so I'm not.  I volunteer and help where there is not enough hours in a day to get things done.  And even if the impact I make is not huge, those little bits all add up together and help make a difference in someone's life.

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