Since I started having kids, I've become a big fan of surveys. I like the thought that my voice and opinion might somehow make a difference somewhere on things that are important to me and my family. I've been involved in focus groups, gotten to test new products, and participated in live discussions. It's fun and rewarding. Sometimes I've even been paid but mostly I do it just for the satisfaction. As the kids have become school aged, things that have mattered have changed a little and I've also gotten more involved. Mainly by volunteering my time at school. Not only in the classroom and at school events but by trying to find ways to help our school earn cash or supplies. It's unfortunate that so many programs and funding have been cut and schools have nothing left to give for the fun stuff let alone necessities like paper and glue. So I sign up for anything and everything that might help us out. I diligently count Box Tops and Campbell's brand labels. I signed our school up for a grocery program that earns us 3% back on all our shopping. I joined the e-Scrip program to have my online purchases count towards school. I have all my club cards programmed to give whatever I may earn to school as well. Last summer, I became aware of My Coke Rewards. A program through Coca-Cola that allows you to redeem points collected for entries into drawings, for purchase of items, or you can donate your points to your school. Since I don't have many coke points on a regular basis I figured I'd donate them to school. Upon checking it out, I found out our school wasn't registered. So register I did and signed up as the school coordinator. Every time I collect more points I redeem them online and donate them to our school. I haven't thought much about it until lately though. Today while signing in at school the secretary told me I had a package. I thought how strange a package would come for me. I'm not currently running any events where I might have ordered something that would be waiting for me. Plus having just come off of winter break I couldn't think of anything I might have sent for or be expecting. Looking at the package gave me not a clue as to the contents, so naturally, I ripped the sucker open! It was a Flip UltraHD video camera. Included was a postcard from My Coke Rewards for schools. It reads......
We want to help provide your school with a fun way to capture and share the experiences and opportunities that make your school special. That's why we're excited to give your school this Flip Video Camera for use in the My Coke Rewards for Schools program in 2011. There's a lot to look forward to next year with fresh ways for you to share your school's successes. As always, thanks for all you do to help your school.
How awesome is that?????? What a great way to get the kids more involved. Handy and portable and simple to use I couldn't have asked for a more perfect way to do that. It can be used instantly with a touch of a button. We can capture the fun of sing, individual classroom events, field trips, and just the day in the life of a grade school-er or teacher. I can't wait to get started and share with the school what great things we will be able to create and share together.
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