December 09, 2009

new hat

Tomorrow I embark on a new journey. A project that will allow me to not only express myself in a creative form but allow others to express their talents as well. Yes, I am going to put on a talent show! After a busy and hair pulling experience helping co-direct a musical last year I needed something less demanding this year. Something that would still allow the kids to showcase their talents but without the rigorous and stressful demands of a full blown production. So I gathered up my thoughts and put them down onto paper and took myself to the principals office. I LOVE our principal. He is an amazing person who really takes the time to listen to each person, child and adult alike. He is empowering our children to do more and strive further and is an absolutely joy to know. He was warm and receptive to my ideas and gave me the full go ahead to put on my talent show. How excited am I? More than I could ever express in words. I have a great team already assembled and I can't wait to go to my first meeting tomorrow and lay out all my thoughts and planning and get their input. It is going to be a fun process and I am ready to start.

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