February 19, 2011

whoooo are yooouuuuu?

After much frustration, discussion, and even a few tears we finally are a go for play! It's been an uphill journey to get to the starting point and we only have many mountains left to climb but I am confident we can do it. We are putting on Alice in Wonderland Jr. this year and yours truly is the director! How did that happen? I am excited, nervous, and anxious to say the least. I have a great team already assembled to lend their thoughts, ideas and areas of expertise so I know we will be able to put on the best show possible. It wont be easy and it will be chaotic at best but I am looking towards the challenge. I know we have fantastic kids willing to give their all to make this production the best one to date. So after this brief week off from school we will all be jumping in with both feet at a dead run. We will be exhausted, exuberant, and ecstatic when it is over. I fear a few more tears may be shed in the process, but in the end it's going to be a wonderful journey for the kids to take with them and remember always.

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